May Allah accept our deeds and our ibadat and bring us closer to him. Ameen
As you can tell I dont post often. But its been a long time and my kids are excited to keep this going:-)
Our Rabbit Shams and here's how it happened:
في يوم من الايا عاد والد إلئ البيت مع الصندوق
سأل لأطفال......أبي ما هذا ما هذا في الصندوق
ابتسم أبي
و قال : إحزروا
في الصندوق حيوان
لونه مثل الشجرة
و فرو ناعم كالحرير
و يحب أكل الجزر
عرفنا, عرفنا
!!!إنه أرنب....................
The things that kids can make out of cardboard boxes:
اشياء تصنع من الكرتون
Doll house - بيت الدمية
H., I., W,. and H all made this huge doll house out of several cardboard boxes. It took a week to make only cause they made furniture and paper dolls to go inside it.
The roof was made out of popsicle sticks.
Race Car - سيارة سباق
H. decided that he wanted to build a race car using scrapes and materials he found in the recycling bin in our garage. Amazing what creations children can come up with, mashaAllah.