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Saturday, February 22, 2014

          بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

   Kitab Club's first Storytelling Event!


          ! شكرا جزيلا لك لتقدم هذا البرنامج لنا


                                                                                نحب اللغة العربية 

An amazing mashaAllah storytelling event took place on January 19th, 2014. The stories were live, engaging and interactive that captured the eyes and hearts of both the young and..... well, ya'ni the mommies too!
People left the storytelling event feeling rejuvenated and inspired to learn the language of the Qu'ran.
Here is a comment from one of the mothers who attended with her children:

A Reflection:
I had a discussion with my daughter today - and we were saying how, if we truly loved Allah and the Rasul s.a.w., then we would value more the language that Allah SWT chose to reveal His book in - and we would want to understand it...and if we truly loved the Rasul s.a.w...then we'd be racing to learn the Arabic language in order to understand what he s.a.w. taught - and to be able to relish EVERY word of his hadith.  

Unfortunately - Arabic is often overlooked among all the other subjects we value to teach our children...Even though these  subjects have almost no value next to understanding the Qur'an in the 'clear arabic language' it was revealed in.  But indeed, 'this life is but an illusion.'"

May Allah make Arabic easy on our tongues and light in our hearts!

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