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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

3rd Storytelling Event

Encouraging others to love Arabic as much as we do!

Alhamdulilah we had a huge turnout from mothers and kids wanting to hear and partake in our 3rd storytelling event. Arabic is the language of the Muslims and with time and dedication to learning and studying Arabic one will be able to conquer the unimaginable, inshaAllah.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

                                                     2nd Storytelling Event
                                                      Kitab Club 
                                                      Uniting under one language

The purpose of the storytelling events is to give children learning Arabic that extra exposure they need to grasp onto the language. A beneficial way to learning a language is to hear stories read in that language. Stories help bring alive the language and spark interest in the child. Alhamdulilah, bless to host yet another amazing mashAllaah storytelling event that leaves one inspired (young as well as the older) to strive in glory while on this journey to learning the most precious language of them all.....Arabic!

The children in KC classes had performed a skit in Arabic and then translated into Englsih before welcoming our guest presenter. The kids really enjoyed the story reading and interacting with the storyteller jubilantly while using as much Arabic that they know. Some of the kids in the club speak classical Arabic fluently,mashaAllaah.  Key to learning any language, is to surround yourself with hearing and speaking the language.

‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“Learn the Sunnah and learn Arabic; learn the Qur’an in Arabic for it is in Arabic”.
He also said:
“Learn Arabic for it is part of your Religion and learn how the estate of the deceased should be divided (al-Faraa’id) for these are part of your Religion”.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

          بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

   Kitab Club's first Storytelling Event!


          ! شكرا جزيلا لك لتقدم هذا البرنامج لنا


                                                                                نحب اللغة العربية 

An amazing mashaAllah storytelling event took place on January 19th, 2014. The stories were live, engaging and interactive that captured the eyes and hearts of both the young and..... well, ya'ni the mommies too!
People left the storytelling event feeling rejuvenated and inspired to learn the language of the Qu'ran.
Here is a comment from one of the mothers who attended with her children:

A Reflection:
I had a discussion with my daughter today - and we were saying how, if we truly loved Allah and the Rasul s.a.w., then we would value more the language that Allah SWT chose to reveal His book in - and we would want to understand it...and if we truly loved the Rasul s.a.w...then we'd be racing to learn the Arabic language in order to understand what he s.a.w. taught - and to be able to relish EVERY word of his hadith.  

Unfortunately - Arabic is often overlooked among all the other subjects we value to teach our children...Even though these  subjects have almost no value next to understanding the Qur'an in the 'clear arabic language' it was revealed in.  But indeed, 'this life is but an illusion.'"

May Allah make Arabic easy on our tongues and light in our hearts!

Monday, February 10, 2014


نحب اللغة العربية

Classical Arabic is very important in our family homeschooling dynamics. When we first started homeschooling, we did not find to many others who took an interest in the Quran Arabic. My children and I would always wonder why no one else had an interest to learn this beautiful language. And this is how Kitab Club was started. It is our love of the Arabic language that Kitab club was created to help other homeschooling children be motivated to learn the Arabic language through reading books in Arabic while mixing creativity and Arabic in one through different activities. With this heart felt love of the Arabic language, Kitab Club by the will of Allah, will help incite the love of the Arabic language in the hearts of others through our Arabic readers book club, storytelling events and other unique activities centered around learning. Alhamdulilah, now you know Arabic is a priority in our homeschooling endeavors and we wish to share this way of learning with others so that they too can be connect to the Holy Qu'ran, inshaAllah.